Eliza’s new cat!

My new Elleodolls British Cat is home!

Eliza's New Cat

Eliza's New Cat

He doesn’t have a name yet but I decided he will be a male and he will be a gift from George to Eliza.
I am planning on making a kind of photostory of how he gives him to her, but I haven’t had much time lately for my dolls 😊

This little guy is so adorable though ❀

Eliza's New Cat

Eliza's New Cat

Check out my updates video for more about my new BJD cat:


Updates and Mail Goodness <3

Mail Goodness <3

Eliza and I got mail today from our wonderful friends in Australia: Chari and her dolls (from Inn of Wayward Misfits, check her out!) 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you soooo much for all the amazing stuff ❀

Mail Goodness <3

All the yummy candy and awesome goodies: Eliza got a new furry hat, a beautiful skirt and a pair of necklaces and also a couple of tiny japanese friends 😀

Mail Goodness <3

I have been kind of busy so it has been hard to get any time to dedicate to my dolls and to the community in general…sorry for not commenting much, I have been trying to keep up with everyone’s photos and videos though! I am going through major changes in my life that might even influence the doll hobby for a while, but I won’t tell much about that for now as I am afraid to jinx it 😉

More about this (and the goodies from Australia) in the following video, if you are interested 🙂


Happy Valentine’s Day!!! <3

For the day of love I thought making a session with my 2 couples would be appropriate, I decided to show where their relationship stands and how different they are one from another!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

These two are in a point where things are going quite well, and they are quite passionate about everything (ahem…as you can see) ! They are such a beautiful couple and such loved dolls, I can’t imagine myself without them ❀

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

These two love birds are in a point where nothing is sure yet, they great partners and depend on each other but they really do not admit (yet) it is turning into something else and that they actually are beginning to feel something deeper. They are going through hard times but they feel safe together!
I am so happy about them and it feels amazing to finally have them as dolls ❀

Wish you a wonderful day full of love!


Meridian’s Gift and a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2014 everyone!!!! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who follows this blog and comments on my posts! You make me happy and inspire me so much in this hobby!

I have been so busy, as usual, in the Holidays! I am sorry I am not commenting much or posting anything but I had close to zero internet time during Christmas and I will be leaving for a small break in the mountains soon. Hopefully I will catch up with everyone’s posts, videos and pictures when I am back!

One of my dear doll friends, who is also the owner of the amazing blog Wayward Inn of Misfits (check out her blog, she has amazing characters and stories!!!) and her doll Meridian sent us a awesome package of gifts for Christmas! I just had the time to post the pictures now (sorry it’s a bit late!!!) but I couldn’t help but make a small photostory of Eliza’s package opening! Thank you soooo much dear for the gifts and hope you enjoy! 🙂

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On Christmas day after everyone finished opening all the presents Eliza finds a curious package under the tree.
Eliza: Oh, there is another package here, someone must have missed it!…wait…it is for me? From Meridian! This is so unexpected and thoughtful of her!

Continue reading


Happy holidays!

Finally I had the time to do a couple of holidays pictures with my dollies. This year is the first Christmas in the new house and we are going to Portugal for Christmas to spend it with the family, so I decided not to buy a big tree but just a tiny one and some other simple decorations just to give the house a touch of Christmas (I love Christmas, it is my favorite holiday!!!). Turns out it is the perfect size for my dolls so I thought it would be cute to create a scene out of it with the whole family, even those out of the story joined. Everyone helped out decorating the tree and afterwards we took a family pic with everyone together 🙂

Happy Holidays!

The little girls decided to help with the decorations: Iris took care of the bows, Evie and Izzy were in charge of the rest of the decorations and Serena helped them out to reach the highest places. Also Charlotte together with Bee and Emi helped with the ornaments. Little Vanilla helped arrange Santa on the top of the tree and put his light in place.
George decided to play Santa himself and bring the presents to place under the tree and Eliza baked some cookies to welcome the real Santa while the others worked. Pandora was really excited about the cookies, and she wanted to eat them herself since she loves sweets (it is her first Christmas with the humans so she didn’t understand what they were for). Arya was quite confused about the whole thing too (since in her world there is not such thing as Christmas or Christmas trees) she spent the whole time wondering what the whole thing was about. Finally Alice, being a photography enthusiast, took care of the pictures to create some memories 🙂

Happy Holidays!

When the tree was ready Alice set the timer and the whole family took a picture together with it. Pandora was lucky to get a cookie, because Eliza felt sorry for her and Santa eats too many cookies anyway!

I am not sure how much time I will have for other pictures and posts before Christmas, maybe I will post something else but I’m not sure, so me and my dolly family would like to wish you all Happy Holidays: a merry Christmas full of love and presents and a wonderful new year full of wonderful surprises and dolly goodness!!!