Some updates and not much going on…

Hello everyone,

Long time no news… I know I promised that I would write more after Ldoll but I didn’t… I guess life got in the way, again. I also have been working on updated profiles for my dolls and profile photos, because I like to keep it up to date… so it’s not like I haven’t been doing anything here, it just takes a long time (it’s still work in progress at the moment). You can check what is already done under Dolls in the menu.

So I have been super busy for dolls lately and then I have been sick and feeling really drained sooo… not much time dedicated to dolls, videos or photos lately. Usually when I have a bit for myself I want to be with friends, my fiancé and my cats or I am so exhausted that I don’t feel like doing much. I also have been working on other things and enjoying other “simpler” hobbies and my dolls just stand there and look beautiful and keep me company but I am not doing much with them.

Also I haven’t bought much. I have been planing my honeymoon to Japan (!!!!) (I am getting married in June), so there aren’t  a lot of funds left for dolls. I have been paying my layaway on my MDR Zuri though, last payment will be this month so I hope she will be here soon 😀 *fingers crossed*

zuri.jpg[image from Merry Doll Round]

So… I guess I won’t be posting much soon, because I don’t see a lot of time and energy in the near future. Please check my Instagram (@doll_wishes) and YouTube for updates. When I do something I usually post there first. I hope it will be better soon.

3 thoughts on “Some updates and not much going on…

  1. Congratulations with your wedding to come ! Wish you a lot of happiness ! Always following this blog. Regarding my dolls I do not have much time nowadays for them, too ! But still here, some of them.

  2. Wonderful, congratulations on your wedding to come and it sounds great with a honeymoon to Japan. We all have longer times, when the dolls come second – but those cuties will always be there. Enjoy your planning and days to come!

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