Some updates and not much going on…

Hello everyone,

Long time no news… I know I promised that I would write more after Ldoll but I didn’t… I guess life got in the way, again. I also have been working on updated profiles for my dolls and profile photos, because I like to keep it up to date… so it’s not like I haven’t been doing anything here, it just takes a long time (it’s still work in progress at the moment). You can check what is already done under Dolls in the menu.

So I have been super busy for dolls lately and then I have been sick and feeling really drained sooo… not much time dedicated to dolls, videos or photos lately. Usually when I have a bit for myself I want to be with friends, my fiancé and my cats or I am so exhausted that I don’t feel like doing much. I also have been working on other things and enjoying other “simpler” hobbies and my dolls just stand there and look beautiful and keep me company but I am not doing much with them.

Also I haven’t bought much. I have been planing my honeymoon to Japan (!!!!) (I am getting married in June), so there aren’t  a lot of funds left for dolls. I have been paying my layaway on my MDR Zuri though, last payment will be this month so I hope she will be here soon 😀 *fingers crossed*

zuri.jpg[image from Merry Doll Round]

So… I guess I won’t be posting much soon, because I don’t see a lot of time and energy in the near future. Please check my Instagram (@doll_wishes) and YouTube for updates. When I do something I usually post there first. I hope it will be better soon.


This time here to stay…hopefully :S

Well… even though I said I would be active again here when things calmed down I kinda never did even if everything is (almost) settled now.

Let’s say it took longer than I thought to get things organised after the move and lately I have a hard time managing the dolly stuff and  free-time with real life stuff or other hobbies. So I haven’t been really active in general. But if you follow me on Youtube, Instagram (@doll_wishes) or Flickr I have posted some things here and there 🙂

But here I am to officially post and dedicate myself more to this blog. I plan to start posting more about my dolls here again. I also have to refurbish and update some of the pages about my dolls here, since my collection has changed a bit. I hope to do that soon.

So expect some news soon. I will probably make a couple of posts presenting my new dolls and characters soon. I also have been working a lot on my story “Edenia”, so I might post something on that too 🙂

And I will leave you with a bit of news: I am waiting for a new doll (since the beginning of January)!

I was stalking her ever since Merry Doll Round released the pre-order and I tried really hard to convince myself I don’t need another doll but I just had to! And I am so happy I did: or I am sure I would regret it forever 😀 She is a Merry Doll Round Fang in Cookie Skin!

I totally did this... I was stalking her ever since #merrydollround released this pre-order and I tried really hard to convince myself I don't need another doll but I just had to! And I am so happy I did: or I am sure I would regret it forever 😆

[image from Merry Doll Round]


Long time no see… News and explanations!

Hello everyone!
No, I have not been kidnapped or left the hobby, I am still here! I know it’s been an eternity since I posted anything at all (almost 6 months). I have had moments where I thought about posting, but at first there was so much happening and no certainties, making me uncomfortable to make any announcement without knowing for sure what was going to happen. And after a while when everything seemed to be taking a direction, I still didn’t have time or energy to do a lot with dolls, there were to many other things to think about. I am really sorry for not keeping everyone here updated though… and that is the main reason why I decided to post today.

If you follow me on YouTube you probably know what has been happening (I kept posting some updates over there, even if not very often), but I will let you know really quickly why I disappeared from my blog. Basically, it started when in March my boyfriend (with whom I lived) had to move to a new city because of a job. Since we weren’t sure if it would just be temporary or not, we decided to give it some time before we took any decisions and therefore we started living apart in two different cities and seeing each other only on weekends. My job is really demanding currently and I get home exhausted during the week with close to no energy to dedicate to the hobby. And this situation obviously made me want to spend most of my free time (and also only possible doll time) with my boyfriend. Therefore I started doing doll-related things rarely and sporadically, and I basically reduced the time I dedicated to the doll communities. I make videos sometimes because, for me, they ended up being an easiest way to update my doll friends and followers on what is going on, since it is so much faster than writing. Don’t get me wrong, I still play with my dolls and plan stuff for them or make projects, but since I don’t have a lot of time it is not as “intense” as before.

The good news is that everything worked out for my boyfriend and I recently found a job close to him myself,  so I am going to be moving there in the middle of October, which is very soon! 🙂 We started moving and packing in August and unfortunately most of my dear dolls are currently in storage waiting for me to move definitely… this is sad but it is for a good cause and I am really excited about the changes going on! We will have a new apartment that will be much bigger than my current one, we will also have space dedicated to my dolls and maybe even a crafting and a photo space. YAY! I always wanted that! 😀 I also hope that this change will help me dedicate more time to the hobby, to my doll projects (I have so many pending for multiple reasons) and to the online community, because I miss you guys and I miss posting about my dolls!!!

If you follow me on Flickr or Youtube you probably know this already but there are also some updates in my collection!!! Exciting!!! 😀

First of all I got a new SD boy in the end! He got here last week and he is awesome!!! He is a Migidoll M-Style Yujin on the new BNB 16th Body ❤ He is currently naked just because I didn’t really prepare much for him and the stuff I got either didn’t work or didn’t fit. I will let you know soon – when he is finally dressed (probably after I move) more about him and his story. But he will be part of my SD story: The Travellers.

The other surprise, also for me since it was a completely impulse buy, is that I got a new SD doll that I have wanted for quite a while but never justified getting: a Supiadoll Rosy! I had this dream about a new character that could be part of Ophelia’s world and I was quite intrigued by her. When I found this doll on the DoA Marketplace I just had to get her for this character, she really spoke to me! So that happened and she got here last week. YAY! Like my new boy she is still lying around in improvised temporary looks since all my doll clothes and things are currently in storage… but I am so happy about them 😀

Here is a quick and dark cellphone picture of the two together (you find their BO’s on my Youtube channel):

Two new gorgeous arrivals this week!!! My Supiadoll Rosy and my first SD boy Migidoll Yujin! They look amazing despite the nakedness and not have their own eyes/wigs, and more surprising: they look so well together!!! I am tempted to change his character

I also got a new  Azone: Pureneemo Character Series Movie K-ON Hirasawa Yui and a Ruruko Doll: the Dreaming (YUMEMIRU) version (details and presentations in another future post)! Which is quite big since I have wanted a short-haired Azone and a Ruruko for sooooo long! You find their arrival videos on my Youtube channel if you like 🙂

And I guess those are the biggest news that happened lately! Hopefully I will let you know more soon, probably when I move and manage to move and organise stuff at home enough to take out the doll stuff. Meanwhile feel free to follow me on Youtube (I am wishes over there), I post videos over there most of the times I have updates, even if not as often as I would like to…

Have a wonderful end of the week and see you soon! ❤





BJD End of the Year 2014 Tag (on YouTube)

Happy new year everyone!!! I wish you all a wonderful dolly year where all your wishes come true 🙂 I came back from the holidays and decided to make this Youtube tag and post it here. Sorry about the poor light and shaky camera! Enjoy 🙂

The first picture of the year: https://www.flickr.com/photos/w_i_s_h_e_s/11843725173/

1 Show us your doll family (as it looks at the end of the year)
2 how many doll videos did you make this year?
3 what was your fist video of 2014 about?
4 how many pictures (on any site or medium) did you take/upload this year?
5 show us the first picture of the year
6 Tell us the best thing that happened to you, in the doll hobby this year.
7 Tell us the worst thing that happened to you, in the doll hobby this year.
8 Show us your three favorite things you got this year.
9 What is your new year’s resolution?


Happy Holidays!

I am leaving tomorrow to spend the holidays in Portugal and Italy. I will have internet and my computer but I will probably have no dolls with me. So I am going to wish you happy holidays and an amazing new year! Just in case 🙂

Happy Holidays!

This photo is not very festive but I thought it kind of reminded me of the holidays and I decided t post it. I just found out that my little Anastasia is a little child prodigy Virtuoso 🙂

The violin I got at the Christmas Market in my town and it was an awesome find, it fits perfectly with her. The clothes are by the amazing Antik Fabrics by Heliantas (I got them for her at LDoll) and they have an amazing Vintage Doll/Circus feel to them that I just ADORE!

Again, have a wonderful time these holidays!

Happy Holidays!