This time here to stay…hopefully :S

Well… even though I said I would be active again here when things calmed down I kinda never did even if everything is (almost) settled now.

Let’s say it took longer than I thought to get things organised after the move and lately I have a hard time managing the dolly stuff and  free-time with real life stuff or other hobbies. So I haven’t been really active in general. But if you follow me on Youtube, Instagram (@doll_wishes) or Flickr I have posted some things here and there 🙂

But here I am to officially post and dedicate myself more to this blog. I plan to start posting more about my dolls here again. I also have to refurbish and update some of the pages about my dolls here, since my collection has changed a bit. I hope to do that soon.

So expect some news soon. I will probably make a couple of posts presenting my new dolls and characters soon. I also have been working a lot on my story “Edenia”, so I might post something on that too 🙂

And I will leave you with a bit of news: I am waiting for a new doll (since the beginning of January)!

I was stalking her ever since Merry Doll Round released the pre-order and I tried really hard to convince myself I don’t need another doll but I just had to! And I am so happy I did: or I am sure I would regret it forever 😀 She is a Merry Doll Round Fang in Cookie Skin!

I totally did this... I was stalking her ever since #merrydollround released this pre-order and I tried really hard to convince myself I don't need another doll but I just had to! And I am so happy I did: or I am sure I would regret it forever 😆

[image from Merry Doll Round]

3 thoughts on “This time here to stay…hopefully :S

  1. I’m glad to see you are back to blogging! I’ve been wondering what you’ve been up to and how your collection has been going. Do you still have Eliza?

    Congrats on the new order! Merry Doll Round always have some really unique and beautiful faces.

    • Hi dear! Glad to hear from you too! I will try to be posting more although untill now it hasn’t been so easy…
      And of course I have Elza 😉 She won’t be going anywhere! heheh
      Hope you are doing well!

  2. New here, hellou! I hope that you one day get more time to blog, I know how it can be. I like the new doll you have ordered. She so beautiful. Visited the Merry Doll Round and those dolls are adorable!

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