New dolls and new looks!

Hello everyone,

First of all I want to show you how Padma looks now. Since I got her I wanted to give her a new hair-do and accessories to make her more her character. Padma is a Dorani (Nomad) and her people is inspired by Gypsy and Indian culture.

Padma's new look

I have worked on her a couple of weeks ago but I still hadn’t had the opportunity to take some pictures of her finished look. I gave her a couple of thin braid with some accessories and also two gold piercings (a nose and a sign on her forehead) and I think she looks so perfect now! Completely as I envisioned her 🙂
Padma's new look

In other news though I have been on quite a doll buying phase of totally unplanned dolls. So there will be 3 new additions to my family soon. Ooops 😉 I actually got a small bonus this month and I ended spending it on dolls…but I guess it is justifiable if they make you happy, right?

The first one was a BJD British Cat from ElleoDolls on Etsy. I have been wanting a cat BJD for so long and I finally placed an order for this beauty! I wanted a “chubby” cat, not the usual siamese/asian style cats you see a lot, and I found this one so I was really happy, I could not NOT order it! I hope it doesn’t take long to get it home, they say it takes 6-8 weeks 🙂

[image from ElleoDolls]

The second one is the sweet Iplehouse KID Irene. I have been admiring the Iplehouse KID dolls for a while now and I have always loved Irene but I never had a reason to get one myself. I suddenly had an epiphany last week that she would actually be perfect for a character from Edenia. It’s not like it is a main character but she is a special one for me and she has a clear story in my mind so I thought it would be good to have her in doll form. Also I couldn’t resist Irene’s cuteness any longer and this was the perfect excuse to get her… so she is on layaway now in Peach Skin (I miss their PS resin) and with the type C face-up (in the picture), along with some clothes, shoes, a wig and eyes (as if it were a fullset) taking advantage of Iple’s current discounts 🙂 It will take long but I can’t wait for her to be home!

Ordered! I did it again :)
[image from Iplehouse]

And finally the most unexpected and surprising of all my purchases: She is a Volks DWC#2 head and was for sale in the MP on DoA and I couldn’t resist! She is soooo amazing! OMG I can’t believe I actually got this beauty!

I had been wanting a Volks Doll for such a long time, especially after I met WennieBJD’s Bailey in person! I hope to make an hybrid out of this girl but since she was completely unplanned I don’t know what I am going to do or who she will be. Any suggestions for nice bodies for Volks SD hybrids? I know the Feeple60 body works really well and maybe the MaskatDoll Body or the AprilStory body… any other options?

[image from the seller :Mia ^o^]


First Meeting in Milan!!!

Today, finally I had the chance to attend a meeting here in Milan (I am always unavailable when they take place)!!!

It was a very pleasant day, I met a lot of amazing people, some that I follow online forever now and it was good to connect the faces to the dolls, and also (obviously) full of beautiful dolls!!!

Here are some pictures, even if the weather was awful (and so was the light) so most of them were out of focus, and even these are a bit crappy!!! :S

Thank you everyone for the wonderful time ❤

Meeting Milano

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Two loves: the boyfriend and the dolls <3

It is quite usual to read comments in the BJD community about the reaction of partners, boyfriends, husbands and so on to dolls. Mostly about someone’s doubts if they will accept the fact that you like dolls, about how the other people are afraid of them or, if you are lucky, maybe even saying that you managed to bring your other half into the dark side and convinced them buy their first doll.

Because of all the discussion about this topic I thought it was interesting the share the following post.

I live together with my boyfriend for 6 months now, but he knew that I liked dolls already when we moved in together. He was always very accepting of them, even if he never showed any particular interest, we were always able to talk about them and he would look the new pictures I took. Before I used to play with my dolls when he wasn’t around, on my alone time, however since we live in the same house I must play with dolls when he’s around, obviously! I ended up feeling kind of uncomfortable because he would try to keep a distance when I played as it was “my thing” and not “his thing”.  So I decided to change that and proposed that we could play together once, just so that dolls would not be this weird thing anymore and he could become more comfortable with them. Even if he wasn’t that excited about the idea he accepted the challenge.

Basically I showed him and presented all my dolls with their names, and then told him to choose his favorite dolls so we could make a photoshoot. Since he is interested in photography he was quite happy about the idea of photographing them. He chose Bee (my LTF Ante) and Iris (my PKF Bonnie), because according to him they are the cutest and here is the result of our “photostory” moment:

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I have to say it was actually fun, and even if I don’t see him playing often, at least now it’s not “weird” anymore as he got a feel of what it means to “play” with them 😀
What about you? Any similar stories to tell? I would love to read any similar stories or dolls-boyfriend/husband reaction stories ❤

Extra pictures, because they are adorable:

Playtime: Boyfriend and dolls

Playtime: Boyfriend and dolls



 Hi! my name is Sofia and I started this blog as a way to keep my BJD photostories all together and somehow organized!
I am still in the process of planning this and uploading older photos but I hope that will be ready soon … unfortunetly university has been keeping me very busy lately and I haven’t had as much time as would have liked to dedicate to my dolls!

A little bit about my and my dolls:

I am 22, studying design at the university. I live in Lisbon, Portugal. I found my love for BJD only recently in October 2009 and got my first doll in November: an AoD Qing (that I have sold). 
Here is the list of dolls I own currently:

Beatrice Fay [Fairyland Littlefee Ante]
Vanilla Moonlily [Fairyland Puki Puki Flora]
Isabelle Fay [Fairyland Littlefee Rachel]
Iris / Cupid [Fairyland Pukifee Bonnie]
Eliza D’Aurey [Fairyland Minifee Rheia]
George Bradford [Latidoll Lati Blue Rucas]

They all have characters and defined personalities and that is the main reason why I recently started making stories about them and their relationships. You can find these at Den of Angel (sofia) and Flickr (ladysophia).

Thank you for visiting and I hope to post more stuff soon!
